Record of Action

Lyndon Carlson


Rep. Carlson, lead DFL member on the Ways and Means Committee, has been a strong supporter of education at all

levels. He believes that quality education is not only a right in our society, but also the most important responsibility we have to the next generation. He will continue to work to ensure that every Minnesotan has access to high quality, comprehensive educational opportunities and that educators and parents have the tools they need to impact learning more effectively.

Health Care and Prescription Drugs

Rep. Carlson has initiated and supported legislation that has improved health care services for the people of Minnesota. He has supported improvements including: the care of residents of nursing homes, school immunization programs, basic health care coverage for pregnant women and their infants, and programs aimed at reducing the cost of family health care. Carlson is a strong supporter of Minnesota's landmark legislation that makes quality, affordable health care accessible to all Minnesotans. He will continue to work to reduce the costs of health care and prescription drugs without sacrificing the quality of care.

Budget and Tax Issues

Rep. Carlson believes that the Legislature must continually re-examine state spending priorities to make sure that we are getting the most for our tax dollars. The Legislature must remain committed to a sound and fair tax system that adequately funds essential services and does not over burden our citizens. He has been a strong supporter of the Homestead Credit and improved property tax refund programs for homeowners and renters.

Jobs and Economic Development

Rep. Carlson is committed to job creation and economic growth. He believes the economic security of our people is essential to the well being of our state. He has supported legislation to strengthen our economy and to provide good jobs and better job security for our citizens. Rep. Carlson believes the key to economic security is to maintain our commitment to education, which provides a highly trained workforce, and to invest in research in those areas which foster an environment attractive to new industries and employment growth. To support the Minnesota economy, the legislature must put a top priority on the transportation needs of our growing region.


Rep. Carlson is keenly aware of the increasing need to preserve and wisely manage the state's natural resources. He was chief author of the Metropolitan Open Space Act, legislation that aids local communities in the drafting of ordinances for the protection of our open space and water resources. He believes the Legislature must continue its efforts to assure a healthy environment for the people of Minnesota. Since Minnesota does not have any appreciable energy supplies within its borders, Rep. Carlson supported legislation that requires better planning for future energy needs and makes a significant commitment to develop renewable energy sources.

Contact Lyn

State Office Building, St. Paul, MN 55155 651-296-4255 [email protected]

8216 35th Avenue North, Crystal, MN 55427 763-533-9779 [email protected]